Why food grade Paper Bags are safer for food storage compared to plastics

Paper Bags

Most of us pack or store our lunch (sandwiches and other similar food) in Paper Bags while some use plastic bags instead. However, experts have recently concluded that using bags made from paper, like brown paper bags, are safer to use when it comes to storing or packing food items compared to plastic or synthetic bags. What are the reasons for this? Let us find out in the following paragraphs.

Studies show that plastic bags and containers expose food to dangerous chemicals and substances that can make a person gravely ill. Experts recommend using safer forms of food storage or packaging such as cardboard boxes or paper bags. Below are other reasons as to why the use of food grade paper bags is safer than using plastic bags for food storage:


All plastics, including plastic bags, are made from chemicals and substances that can potentially harm a person’s health and well-being. Among the dangerous chemicals that make up plastic products include DEHA and BPA. When one stores food in these bags, there is a high possibility for the chemicals to seep into the food, contaminate it and harm the person who consumes it. Besides plastic bags, other plastic storage options include plastic wraps and plastic food containers. These products are made up of similar components and are equally dangerous to one’s health as well.


Try to avoid storing or wrapping your kids lunch or snacks in plastic bags. Kids often play with plastic there is a possibility of them choking on it if they are left unsupervised with a plastic bag. To be on the safe side, pack your kid’s lunch in a paper bag or in a container made from food-grade plastic. These options are safer for food storage and can eliminate any risk of choking for your kids.


Food left overnight in the pantry should be stored in an airtight container to keep pests such as rats and bugs from getting into them. Storing food in plastic bags will not only cause food to spoil but it also exposes them to bugs and rodents. Plastic bags can be bit or broken into by pests. The same goes for paper bags so the best thing to do would be to store food in the pantry inside glass jars or containers.


Improper storage of food can cause bacteria to grow and spread which will eventually make a person sick. As we have mentioned earlier, food must be stored in airtight containers or in the refrigerator to prevent bacterial growth and contamination. Food in the refrigerator, when not stored properly, are also at risk of bacterial infection and contamination. Plastic bags and wrappers are not airtight enough to prevent food from being contaminated. Food grade paper bags are not airtight too but at least they not cause chemicals to leach into the food like plastic bags do.
These are just some of the top reasons that make it unsafe to use plastic bags for food storage. Food grade paper bags may not be practical for all purposes but at least they do not cause a lot of harm to one’s health. It’s still a lot safe to pack your kid’s lunch using a paper bag so don’t compromise on your children’s safety by using a plastic bag.

If you are interested in buying quality and safe Paper Bags to pack for your kid’s lunches or for wrapping food, then check out Leisure Coast Packaging. This Australia-based company is known for producing quality paper and packaging products ranging from paper bags to gift boxes and other types of eco-friendly packaging supplies. Their products are available in different sizes, shapes and designs and they offer the best rates in the market as well.

Leisure coast packaging paper bags are guaranteed to be of the best quality among the paper bags on the market today. They’re guaranteed to be safe too! You don’t have to worry anything about chemical contamination and all. Their products are tested for quality and safety. For good quality and affordable paper bags and packaging materials trust only Leisure Coast Packaging. You can learn more about their products and services by checking out their website here.


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